The U.S. Dollar is Dead: Navigating Cash Alternatives in a Volatile Economy

The U.S. Dollar is Dead: Navigating Cash Alternatives in a Volatile Economy

  Watch the The U.S. Dollar is Dead: Navigating Cash Alternatives in a Volatile Economy Inflation and Purchasing Power: The U.S. dollar is losing its value due to inflation, which reduces purchasing power over time. This is illustrated with an example where $100 a year ago could buy a pair of shoes, but due to…

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 1 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 1 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

This video is the first in a series designed to help viewers effectively manage their finances and work towards debt freedom. It emphasizes understanding cash flow, which is fundamental to achieving financial stability. The video outlines a straightforward but essential approach: tracking all income and expenses using a basic Google spreadsheet, avoiding complicated financial software….

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 2 of 6) : Identifying Potential Savings

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 2 of 6) : Identifying Potential Savings

This video is the second in a series designed to help viewers get out of debt by managing their finances effectively. The focus of this video is on distinguishing between needs and wants within the context of personal budgeting. The presenter encourages viewers to be honest with themselves as they review their budget, emphasizing the…

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 3 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 3 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

This video is the third installment in a series designed to help viewers strategically plan their finances to accelerate debt elimination. It encourages viewers to continue following the series in sequence, as each video builds upon the last with specific tasks aimed at achieving financial freedom.   Watch the Get out of Debt SIX Video…

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 4 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 4 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

This video, the fourth in a series designed to help viewers manage their finances and escape debt, focuses on creating a detailed inventory of all debts. The goal is to lay a foundation for an optimized debt repayment strategy by understanding the specifics of each debt, including amounts, interest rates, monthly payments, and payoff dates….

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 5 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 5 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

This video, the fifth in a series aimed at helping viewers effectively manage and eliminate their debt, focuses on optimizing budgets and accelerating debt repayment. The video begins by recapping the journey viewers have taken through the series—from identifying spending habits and distinguishing between wants and needs to formulating an optimal budget. The importance of…

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 6 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

Get out of Debt SIX Video Course (video 6 of 6) : Understanding Your Cash Flow

This video, the final installment in a six-part series aimed at helping viewers gain control of their finances and eliminate debt, focuses on tracking and growing net worth. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s financial position through the creation and monitoring of a balance sheet, which details assets and liabilities to determine net worth….

Velocity Banking Explanations, Lies and Mistruths

Velocity Banking Explanations, Lies and Mistruths

I’ve been watching various velocity banking videos and have created some myself to demonstrate how it works. So, does it work? Yes, it does. Is it as powerful as some claim? No, it’s not. There are a lot of numbers thrown around, which can be very confusing. I have videos showing velocity banking for mortgages…

3 Ways to Buy Bitcoin : Get Started Now

3 Ways to Buy Bitcoin : Get Started Now

Explore the world of Bitcoin (BTC) investments in this video, where I delve into three distinct methods: ETFs, digital custody wallets, and non-custody digital wallets. I’ll guide you through each option, explaining how Bitcoin ETFs offer a traditional investment route, how digital custody wallets provide security through a third-party, and how non-custody digital wallets give…

Get out of Debt : Big Banks Are Paying Billions in Fines they Don’t Care About You

Get out of Debt : Big Banks Are Paying Billions in Fines they Don’t Care About You

Discover the unsettling truth behind big banks and their disregard for you the consumer. Join me as I discuss how your financial wellbeing might be at stake.   Watch the Big Banks Are Paying Billions in Fines they Don’t Care About You Banks and Debt: Big banks, including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and…