Velocity Banking Explanations, Lies and Mistruths

Velocity Banking Explanations, Lies and Mistruths

I’ve been watching various velocity banking videos and have created some myself to demonstrate how it works. So, does it work? Yes, it does. Is it as powerful as some claim? No, it’s not. There are a lot of numbers thrown around, which can be very confusing. I have videos showing velocity banking for mortgages…

How to Pay a Credit Card Off With $0 Additional Income or Increasing Payments

How to Pay a Credit Card Off With $0 Additional Income or Increasing Payments

Hi, I wanted to give you an example and show you on the Whiteboard so you can see exactly how the math works out of how you can reduce and pay off your credit card bill faster without making a larger payment and without making more money so potentially if someone’s on a fixed income…

How to Use Balance Transfer to Pay Off Debt Step by Step

How to Use Balance Transfer to Pay Off Debt Step by Step

I’m going to give you an example of using the balance transfer method to reduce your debt on your credit card. A lot of people look at their credit card statement and see that they owe, for example, $10,000, and they may be paying an interest rate that can vary from 20 to 30%. Let’s…

Home Equity to Eliminate Credit Card Debt Faster

Home Equity to Eliminate Credit Card Debt Faster

Let’s Talk About Another Way to Start Getting Rid of Credit Card Debt. Now, of course, you want to make bigger monthly payments so it goes down to principal. We’ve got videos on that, and you can eliminate your debt faster. Sometimes that’s really not an option because you may not be able to pay…

Get out of Debt by Lowering Your Monthly Costs

Get out of Debt by Lowering Your Monthly Costs

Let’s Talk About How You Can Get Rid of Debt as Quickly as Possible. A lot of people don’t realize that in our previous videos, we’ve shown that if you have a ten thousand dollar bill and you make minimum payments on it with a 20% interest rate, let’s say it’s $200 minimum payment, you’re…