Coinbase Card

Coinbase Debit Card to Earn Crypto

I’m going to talk about getting cryptocurrency back as a reward. This is the first card that’s not actually a credit card. They’re not going to extend you credit; it’s basically a debit card, but it’s through Coinbase. Enter the Coinbase Debit Card. Now, there are lots of different cryptocurrency sites, and they’ve changed over time. Some of them have put out credit cards and had to remove them, etc., etc.

Watch the Coinbase Crypto Card Review on YouTube

But with Coinbase, you can get a debit card through them. They’ll send you the physical card. You can put money into your account and save it, essentially as dollars. When you spend, it’ll take it from there, or you can actually have them convert some of your cryptocurrency if you have it into dollars when you use the card.

The reason I’m talking about this card is there are no annual fees, but it’s not a credit card. However, like I’ve discussed in other videos, I’m a big believer in diversifying a portfolio of investments. Maybe you’ve got stocks, maybe you’ve got real estate, maybe we’ve talked about precious metals like gold and silver. Maybe you also want to have some cryptocurrency.

Using this card to pay some of your bills, it’s going to pull the cash out of your account. You have to have a Coinbase account. It’s free to create one. You put some money in it, but you’ll get rewards back in cryptocurrencies every month. They give you a list; for example, they might say you can get a quarter percent back in Bitcoin, you might be able to get half a percent back in Ethereum. It changes every month, but they’ll give you about 10 different coins, and then you can choose the rewards you’d like to get for that month. The rewards in one of those coins. If you don’t choose a category, don’t worry; they’ll pick one for you automatically. So every month, they’ll just pick one and put it into that account.

But this is a great way if you want to start investing in cryptocurrency and you want to start doing things on a regular basis. Put this card into your rotation. This debit card. Make sure you’ve got the money in there for what you want to purchase and then use those rewards back to start building your cryptocurrency. There’s, of course, no fee. You don’t have to worry about going into debt with them because they won’t allow it. It’s a debit card. The reason I’m reviewing it is that you’re getting rewards back, and it’s in a unique category of something you might want to diversify with in your portfolio. I always say this when I think diversify because in my mind, it’s a pie chart like you always see, and there’s a percentage in various categories, whether it be cash or gold or silver, some in your 401(k), whatever that’s invested in, and some into different types of commodities, you name it, or stocks.

So think of it as part of your portfolio, and this is a great way to get into a regular use of investing in something like cryptocurrency. Take a look; I think it’s worth it. I have one myself. Thanks for watching. I hope you subscribe so you don’t miss any of our future videos, and I’d really appreciate you hitting the like button. Let me know in the comments if you think this is a completely useless card or maybe something you use or if you’ve seen ones that are better at giving money back with regards to cryptocurrency. Thanks.

Looking for cash back cards, try the fidelity card or the alliant card both have excellent cash back percentages.

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